03 SEPT 2021
This year, Fiat Professional is again exhibiting at the Caravan Salon in Düsseldorf, the most important European trade fair dedicated to the world of recreational vehicles, from 28 August to 5 September.
“From the past to the future: Ducato always leader”. This is the message evoked by the Fiat Professional stand, designed to showcase all the innovative features of the New Ducato 2021, and at the same time celebrate its fortieth year as the leading vehicle in the sector.
Ducato confirms its traditional strengths and adds important innovations in terms of Comfort, Connectivity, Performance and Safety: the new engines and a full range of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are only some of the new features sported by the new model presented at the show.
And for the motorhome owners who can’t make it to Düsseldorf, Fiat Professional for Recreational Vehicles is also launching the brand new Virtual Showroom, a virtual exhibition that offers visitors the opportunity to discover all the news, details and information about Ducato recreational vehicles via a 3D reconstruction of the spaces of a symbolic location for the Brand, the Torino Esposizioni building, where the Ducato made its very first appearance back in the 1970s in the motorhome version.
So, the future embraces the past, offering customers a new chance to learn all about the entire Ducato range from the comfort of their own homes, proof of the Brand’s technological evolution also in the sector of events and fairs.
And Ducato continues its journey on the Facebook and Instagram social channels too, where ideas for new itineraries and interesting facts from the RV world help thousands of motorhome owners make the most of their experiences on board Ducato-based vehicles, enjoying the freedom that has always distinguished the brand.