08 JUN 2020
Light and dark, yin and yang, hot and cold: everything has its counterpart, and everyone has their own preferences, especially when it comes to travel.
Within the motorhome owner community, some people prefer to travel during the summer months, while others favour the coldness of winter.
Soon we will be able to get back on the road together: in the meantime, here are some tips and advice for preparing for our next trip on board our Fiat Ducato-based motorhome, whatever the occasion or season.
Summer is often synonymous with holidays: the beautiful season gives us long days and short nights that are perfect for exploring the world around us in the company of our Fiat Ducato! Warm temperatures, sea views and stopovers by the beach are just some of the reasons why many people prefer holidaying in summer rather than in winter!
But even in this season we need to make sure we are fully equipped to enjoy our trip with peace of mind!
It may seem obvious, but in our impatience to get our rig back on the road, it’s easy to forget to get that the cooling system of our Fiat Ducato-based motorhome first needs checking to ensure that it is fully functional: you have been warned. Nobody wants to find themselves and their loved ones on a summer trip exposed to relentless scorching heat, especially if you're driving, since it puts your health and comfort at risk. So, always remember to take your motorhome for a full service before setting off, and ask the garage to specifically check the state of the air conditioning system.
Another essential preparation before venturing on a summer expedition is choosing extras, i.e. all the extra equipment that will help us make the most of our stopovers! So let's arm ourselves with everything we need, taking those deckchairs that have been gathering dust in the garage for months, that tarp that will shield us from the blazing sun and, why not, that portable BBQ set that will enable us to enjoy a well-deserved rest by having some lovely picnics with our loved ones.
And let's not forget to pack the mosquito nets, which could be a lifesaver in summer by keeping the family happy... after all, summer brings heat and also lots of insects, especially if pine forests near the sea are your favourite haunt!
Especially in Northern countries, winter is accompanied by a magical ambiance that reminds us of evenings spent huddling under a blanket watching Christmas films with a cup of hot tea and biscuits, while the snow falls silently outside our window. It’s sensations like those that make us want to get on board straight away and fasten the seat belts.
But however beautiful it is, winter is a season that you need to gear up for: don't just get the woolly hats and gloves out of the wardrobe, you also need to prepare your motorhome!
The first recommendation, albeit one of the most obvious, is always pay attention to the road ahead, especially when the outside temperature drops below zero. Driving our four-wheeled friends is a wonderful and comfortable experience, but we must also remember that they are not lightweight vehicles, so they behave differently to the cars we drive every day. Always pay attention to the weather, outside temperature and road conditions: no one wants to get stuck in the snow after spending a wonderful night stargazing in their Fiat Ducato-based motorhome!
Let's start by saying that once you’re on the move with the heating on, your beloved motorhome is unlikely to be troubled by frost, except perhaps for external tanks (such as the additional fresh water tank, which is often installed outside the cab). Having said that, especially before departing, it’s advisable to ensure that everything is in perfect working order: even just a small leak from a pipe when the temperature falls below zero can turn into much more serious damage in the long run, or even worse — a blockage in the heating system! And even if we love winter, none of us would like to find ourselves in the mountains without heating and with our beloved motorhome damaged.
In short, just like before every trip, perform a complete check of your motorhome so that you can then enjoy your holiday to the full, without any worries and, above all, without any unpleasant surprises.
And that’s the end of this short guide on how to prepare for the holiday of our dreams, whether it’s a never-ending coastal trip, with the sound of the sea accompanying us on our journey, or a ride up a snowy mountain away from the bustle of every daylife, accompanied by the silence of winter and countless stars.
So, let's prepare everything we need, make sure our Fiat Ducato-based motorhome is ready to go and then hit the road: our travel companion will take us wherever we want to go, whatever the season.